
A Stay-At-Home goddess – PART ONE

Reading time: 7 minutes, 53 seconds

Jack went wild and smashed a china elephant. The one Claire brought from Africa. For heaven’s sake. It was a special gift. Claire believed the elephant drew good luck to her life, and now it crashed into a million pieces. Awesome. 

Maybe if it weren’t for the shocking news, it wouldn’t have happened; Rebecca wondered. She was torn to bits as she watched Claire’s little angel girl Sammy writing away her own name.. Whaaat??? Jack could barely pronounce his surname or remember his age.

How in the hell did she learn to write her own name? She was busy sorting out the puzzle whilst Jack snuck out from the kitchen like Houdini. Then he grabbed the bloody elephant and BOOM; let it fall, just like that. 

Not on purpose, of course. Rebecca knew how much it meant to Claire, but how could she possibly feel responsible? 

Why didn’t Claire keep it hidden in the first place? Under her pillow or in the basement. Why did she need to keep such a valuable gift on display in the living room..Yes. In the living room!!! The busiest room in everyone’s house. How Insane. Right? Everyone could reach it. But no, of course, it must have been Rebecca’s kid smashing the gift…Aaargh!!!!

OK, fair enough, Jack was a clumsy kid, but so what anyway? 

Any three-year-old could’ve dropped it. Claire had thousands of visitors per week. 

Thank god Claire didn’t make a scene, though. It was awkward enough already. She looked surprisingly quiet. 

“I am so sorry, Claire. I am sure Jack didn’t mean it.” 

“That’s alright. I still have the stones.” She sniffed. 

Phew. Claire took it well. 

What stones was she talking about? Rebecca couldn’t recall any more crappy mysterious stories about some rocks. 

Sammy was counting from one to ten..Claire was tidying the mess,

and REbecca was dressing up Jack. What a fun afternoon..

“How’s Jack with numbers?” Claire turned to Rebecca whilst she was on her knees…Why the question? Rebecca started to wonder. Just because Sammy was a new candidate for a Nobel prize, it didn’t mean that Jack was a stupid kid because he had no clue about numbers whatsoever. 

“He’s good! A bit shy but doing really well.” Rebecca patted Jack’s back proudly. 

Oh boy..Rebecca never wanted to become one of those mothers; who are comparing her child’s abilities to others..neither did she want to become a liar….

But did she have a choice? All her friends gave birth to genius children. Where did that leave her with Jack? 

Yes. Jack was a happy, healthy kid, but he was not interested in learning. And of course, nobody was EVER going to find out. EVER!

Biting her fingernails; Rebecca was driving back home. Jack was content in his car seat at least. The casino lights were dancing on his lap. He was amused by the corner shops..and the funeral service..It was a lovely April evening.

”Stop sucking your finger, Jack.!” 

And how come Claire’s house is always so tidy? And her soft muffins..so indulging..Rebecca murmured and glanced at the box full of three yummy home-made blueberry muffins sitting next to her..Thank god Claire put them next to Rebecca’s coat before the incident happened. 

“Muffin. I want muffin.” Jack demanded. 

Roberto Martinez; Unsplash

When does she find the time to bake anyway? And energy? Miss almost perfect. Yep. Almost. She wasn’t married yet. Alan didn’t propose to her yet. Ha! Gotcha! Bloody Claire!

“Bloody Claire.” Jacked repeated quietly. 

Poor Rebecca was drowning in her own pool of jealousy; ignoring Jack’s calling. She was losing her own sanity.

They arrived home. Rebecca parked the car when a tsunami of salty tears started washing her hot cheeks..What now?

“I want to go home, mama.” 

Two minutes later…

“Are you serious, Becc?” Eric held Jack’s soaking wet nappy in between his fingers as she was opening the front door; wiping her own tears away. He was disgusted. 

Oh, you must be kidding me. Did I get the time wrong? She checked her phone, but it was 18:00. The time was right, but her husband arrived home early. Busted. 

Rebecca put Jack down and took her shoes off. 

 “Sorry. I was in a hurry.” She sighed. 

“Becca, how many times did I tell you to switch off the lights when you were leaving home?” Why did he need to be such a pain? Eric was now walking from one room to another; inspecting the flat and criticising Rebecca. 

“Enough, Eric. You come home from work; eat your dinner, and watch YouTube channels. That’s it.” Rebecca opposed. She had enough comments coming from a man who didn’t lift a finger at home. Why did he need to act like a king and made her feel like his maid? Rebecca wondered if that was a man thing or a marriage thing or what. 

“Excuse me, honey? Did you forget who pays the bills? Are you asking me to do all the chores now too?” 

“But I am all by myself with no help, Eric. It’s not easy to keep the house tidy, you know? And it’s not only that! Remember, you have a son!.” Rebecca burst into tears because Eric was so insensitive and kept raising his voice to make a point.. 

For the best, she disappeared behind the bathroom doors; she knew it there so well lately. It was a safe zone. She could be completely herself. No more fake masks that represented a happy and content wife or a “mamma hero.” She could be tearful and desperate Rebecca, with greasy hair and who was crying for help. Why is he such a nerd? She kept whispering to the mirror. 

“Maybe call your sister, Becca. I don’t know what to do with you anymore. No matter what I tell you, nothing works.” Eric added.

Eric wasn’t always like this – egocentric and gross. Rebecca remembered him as a supportive and loving boyfriend who was so thrilled to have a son. Ever since he started his new job and Jack was born; he’s changed. He became cold-blooded and patronising. He wasn’t helping with Jack, and he was pissed off every time Rebecca didn’t want to have sex. The dynamics in their relationships changed. 

Rebecca’s changed too, though. From a confident and good looking chick, she became fatigued and a tearful wreck of nerves. She had no sex drive. Or maybe she had, but Eric took it away whenever he raised his voice..Every single conversation led to an argument with him. But at least Jack was happy.

Or was Rebecca really failing as a mother and a wife? Maybe Eric was right. Perhaps it was time to call her sister. 

Kyle Broad; Unsplash

Jess was a long way from London. Her boyfriend owned a farm up north. She was Rebecca’s younger sister and didn’t think about having children as yet. She loved children so much, though, which was why she wanted to become a primary school teacher. Jess was the prettiest one. With her pale soft skin and ginger hair; red lipstick and white teeth; so many men ended up hypnotised and addicted to her nutty eyes as years passed by…

Rebecca and Jess shared sweet childhood memories. Sadly, their parents died suddenly in a car accident only five years ago. Since the tragedy, Jess and Rebecca became one unit. 

Rebecca and Jess Shared Sweet Childhood memories. Sadly, their

parents died suddenly in a car accident only fiver years ago. Since

the tragedy, Jess and Rebecca became one unit.

The next day, Rebecca called Jess, who agreed to come down to London at short notice. But only if Rebecca paid her visit back for a week!

Rebecca nodded carelessly. She had no idea what life on farms was like, and it wasn’t important. Long before Eric, Rebecca used to be a typical city barbie..She wouldn’t know how chicken eggs got to the shelves in her local store or what milking cows actually meant. But she needed a friend. A close friend. Someone to talk to. She’d agree to anything to achieve that.  

Eric was relieved that Jess was coming. Little Rebecca and Eric knew how Jess’s visit was going to make a change in their lives..and marriage. Or did they want to live next to each other like silent roommates forever?

“Hey, Becky-boo!” Jess screamed when she appeared on Rebecca’s doorstep the following day. It was a heartwarming moment for both. Jess looked so young and beautiful as usual; wearing her pink floral dress; covering her boney shoulders with a blue jeans jacket. 

“Hey, little sister. Soo good to see you” Rebecca hugged her as if it was for the last time in their lifetime.. Her presence almost pushed tears into Rebecca’s eyes; there was so much to talk about. 

“Alright, alright! Let me in! Where is my little nephew!” Jess screamed. 

It was soo good to have her around. She brought such good vibes to their home already. 

Rebecca let Jess settle in their living room. When she unpacked her suitcase, she started stocking stuff on Rebecca’s kitchen counter… A butter…a box of fresh eggs and milk. All good home-made products from Jess’s new farmer Malcolm. Oh, he was so smart; hard working and sexy. If there ever was a perfect gentleman like you see in those telenovelas; he was definitely one of them. No woman could ever feel insecure with him. He was such a symbol of strength, and he was so kind too. 

Jess marched to the kitchen and started opening all cupboards..

“Where do you keep flour, Becky-Boo?” 

“What are you doing, Jess? You can’t cook?” Rebecca teased her. 

“Give me the flour and watch! I’ll make some pancakes for all of us.” Jess winked at her.

“By the way, Malcolm says hi.” She added and lifted an egg. 

Ala; Unsplash

Rebecca made a pot with raspberry tea and popped into a corner shop for jam and chocolate spread. Jack stayed with Auntie Jess. They were building blocks. 

Soon Rebecca opened the front door. 

“So tell me, sis, what’s going on?” Jess grabbed the chocolate spread and headed to the kitchen. Rebecca started talking about her struggles as a mother; housewife and a wife. 

“Is that a bread in your hair, Becky-Boo?” Jess pulled a piece of crumb from Rebecca’s hair whilst she was talking about housework..As they kept chatting, Rebecca started to feel like a total loser and burst in tears. Her marriage was falling apart. She tolerated her husband’s insults which were becoming worse and worse every time she let him cross the line..Finally, she had someone to talk to.

“I don’t like seeing you like this, Becky.” Jess squeezed her arms. “Let me give you something.” She came back from the living room with two pink bath bombs. Jack was watching TV. 

“Take a shower Becky and then we’ll have something nice to drink, OK?” She added. 

Jess was an angel. She was a real lifesaver; having her around was better than going to the spa. Rebecca felt loved like she didn’t feel for a very long time. 

Jess was enjoying her time around Jack and Rebecca too. She read Jack a story that put him to sleep. Eric was out for drinks after work. It was a perfect evening.

 Jess even brought scented candles; fairy lights and a bottle of expensive wine from Malcolm. Rebecca prepared some snacks, and they sat on the floor in the living room like two teenage girls; chatting away they were digging in memories which led to Jared. A boy they both fell in love once. It was a great evening full of laughter..

Irina Mykhyalova; Unsplash

“Becky, pack your stuff. We are going to leave tomorrow. I will take you to Malcolm’s farm and show you something. You and Jack will love it there” Jess put her glass of wine down and grabbed Becca’s hands..

“What? Are you crazy? I can’t leave like that?” 

“Actually, I think we should have done this a long time ago Becky-Boo..”


What would you do in Rebecca’s shoes?

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Did you enjoy this piece? Come and find out what happens next here!

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Why hiring remote help might be a good idea?

Sales departments focus on turning leads to sales. Customer service team members strive to provide a first-class service, but what happens when you are only ONE PERSON working from home? Or if you are an office-based business owner that only needs help from time to time? Or you might not be in a position to release funds to hire a new team member. Getting help doesn’t always need to be expensive, though!

First, there are tons of articles on how to organise your day effectively – time management is crucial indeed. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. It depends on so many circumstances.

When time management tips don’t work for you, you may want to consider welcoming onboard remote workers. Are they reliable, though? True. Office-based employees make their presence to the office by 09:00 am every day, report back to you whenever you request, but does that make them necessarily more reliable? Not really. It’s natural to feel a bit sceptical about hiring your first remote help, but it doesn’t need to be any different from hiring a person to the office.

Make a clear list of tasks

Social Media Management – you’ve heard about content planning so many times. They say sit down, plan your social media content for a month, schedule your posts, once a day respond to questions and engage with your potential clients -> job done. Are they kidding? There are so many projects you are juggling at the same time. Who’s got time for this?

Remote workers do! They are creative and love anything around Social Media Management.

Data Entry – Admin tasks can be very daunting. If it’s data entry that is stopping you from generating more leads and sales, rest assured remote workers can undertake any of these tasks so you can focus on other aspects of your business!

Sales strategy & Competitors Analysishow do you respond to your clients? What are the “buzz” words you use to attract your audience? How can your product benefit your clients? You may have written a business plan when you first started running the show, but the market place has been changing all the time. Listen to your clients by creating a survey and investigate what successful competitors do. Time consuming? Hire a remote worker to help you with that!

Customer service strategy The quality of product/service and client experience are pretty much the main reasons why clients decide to buy from you. It’s vital to have a strategy, and your unique voice which builds a brand persona that everyone will love. It can be stressful to work on various projects when other tasks keep you busy. Here we come again – hire a remote worker!

Photo by Unsplash

Cheap is not always the best. Too expensive, it’s not necessary. Taking your time to make the right decision is your money spent wisely!

How to recruit a remote worker?

Start working on the recruitment process. It’s essential to think about what attributes and skills your candidates should have. Please make a list and review each candidate’s application carefully. What’s next stage? Whoever scored the most will be invited to a Skype interview! Have you heard of Munro Fraser five-fold grading system?  It’s is a recruitment method, which you may find helpful when recruiting a couple of candidates. I have created one for you below for inspiration!

Profile of the candidate:

Have clear interview questions. We’ve listed five questions for inspiration, but we recommend at least ten questions.

Grading system. Who is the winner?

Remote workers can help you to offload tasks that make you stressed. My tip would be hiring a remote worker who can’t wait to learn about your products from the inside out. And hiring a remote worker who is eager to support your business. Also hiring a remote worker who shows what they have accomplished!

All the best with hiring!

With love, FabulousRead

email: petra.jedlickova89@gmail.com


How to stay sane when working from home?

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, many employees work from home until further notice. For some, it’s a dream, and for some, it’s a nightmare. We are going to share a few tips, how to stay sane and productive.

Picture from Unsplash

Sit down and plan your day. Start with a routine.

08:00 – coffee time
08:15 – stretching/exercising
08:30 – breakfast
09:00 – opening your emails/prioritising your inbox/respond to emails
10:00 – stretching your legs, time for a snack
10:15 – make a couple of phone calls, work on your projects
Noon – prepare your lunch -> have a lunch break
13:30 – carry on working
15:00 – take a break, have a snack
17:00 – have you finished all your tasks for the day? If not, prepare a to-do list for the next
18:00 – end of your working day!
18:30 – meditation/relaxation

I highly recommend reading an article from Kathryn Vasel, CNN Business In this article, you find pretty much anything that you need to know to stay sane when working from home!

Whatever reasons for working from home, FabulousRead wishes you all the best due to these difficult times.

Please take care!

Picture from Unsplash

Coronavirus & Business Continuity Plan Tips for Solopreneurs

Are you a Solopreneur being affected by the Coronavirus outbreak?

In this post, we are going to share insights on a business continuity plan, which you may need to start drafting – if you have not done already.

Solopreneurs may not always have a dedicated team who prepares their sales strategies or incident management plan. They are juggling it all on their own along with other commitments. Their business may often be their main stream of income, and now it’s being affected.

Picture from Unsplash

What is business continuity planning?

It’s a document that prepares you for the hell that can affect your business. TM Law talks you through the importance of having a business continuity plan, and in simple bullet points help you to plan yours: TM TEAM; Why business continuity plan should be your priority in 2020

Picture from Unsplash

How to write a business continuity plan?

FSB shares an excellent article about creating a business continuity plan, which is worth reading to give you an idea of how to start yours.

FSB are describing themselves as being business experts who provide advice and financial expertise to smaller businesses. Their website is here: FSB – HOW TO CREATE A BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN

I hope these difficult times will pass soon.

Take care everyone!

With love, Fabulous Read


How To Improve Your Gut Health In 21 days?

In today’s post, Hertfordshire Fabulous Read is going to talk about Zoe Reast – a qualified Bowen Therapist, Health Coach, and ambitious professional who is offering Microbiome Gut Reset programmes, DNA testing for nutrition and The Bowen technique in Hertford.

Photo by Olliss – Unsplash

What is the Gut Microbiome?

In simple words, imagine trillions of microorganisms living in your intestinal tract, having an impact on your health and wellbeing. Everyone has their own unique gut bacteria footprint, but did you know that the imbalance of your gut bugs may affect your body weight, mood, or could be even responsible for irritable bowel movement? It doesn’t end here. Gut health may be linked to other diseases like colon cancer too. It’s no secret that your diet affects your microbiome balance, so let’s learn together what we can do to improve it.

Photo by Joanna Kosinka – Unsplash

How can Zoe help you?

It’s easy. In your initial consultation, Zoe will prepare personalised lifestyle analysis, which helps to identify affected areas of your body. The next steps would be discussing how to improve your gut health in those affected areas.

Who would like to improve their gut health and feel better in 21 days? That’s right, changes start to show in 21 days. Just keep reading to find out more about the purify programme!

About the Purify Programme

The Purify Programme is a 21 day lifestyle changing programme, which cleanses and heals your digestive tract. We have learnt about the gut microbiome already, and the purify programme is very much linked to it. In fact, the programme consists of a combination of exercise, nutrition and supplements, which help to change your gut bugs balance for the better. This programme brings a lot of benefits – not only to your inner gut health. After all, many Zoe’s clients described massive skin improvements as well as noticeable increase in their energy levels and much more!

What the Purify Programmes offers?

  • 2 x one to one consultations with Zoe, a detailed lifestyle analysis and health questionnaire at the start and end, take your measurements and look at your health goals.
  • All the supplements to support you throughout the 21 days (one of them lasts 45 days)
  • Private Whatsapp chat support group throughout
  • Detailed guide book with around 50 recipe ideas
  • Ongoing support throughout the programme

What is purify friendly food?

The word “pure” may give us an indication that we are going to talk about some good stuff here – and that’s 100% correct. When you start with the purify programme, you will include specific food in your diet, which will support your gut health reset process. The Purify Programme lasts 21 days and is aiming for long term gut health improvements. Of course, you will be encouraged to carry on with good eating habits after the program – as to maximise its effect. Ideally, by undergoing this programme, you are hoping to make changes to your lifestyle too! Zoe’s role is to support you, explain the importance of your gut health, help you to make changes and teach you how to establish good eating habits.

The DNA testing for Nutrition

Have you ever thought about why you occasionally feel discomfort after eating? The DNA testing can find out whether you may have any yet unknown food intolerances. Isn’t it great to have an opportunity to learn a bit more about ourselves and what food to avoid? It almost feels like being able to change some parts of the future. Especially if the DNA test results may enhance our day to day life routines. 

How does the DNA testing for Nutrition work?

It starts with a sample of saliva and medically approved laboratory. The experienced team will analyse your DNA and test it against a large amount of food type, and then generate a personal report based on the results. This personal report will be shared and consulted with you. 

The Bowen technique and what is it?

Unlike other techniques that try to push muscles apart to release pain, Bowen works on the connective tissue level. The therapists use their bare hands and roll like movements to stimulate the body. This technique gives an impulse to under-active muscles to start working and to overactive muscles to release the pain. This method is very relaxing for the body and mind, and may release anxiety, general muscle stiffness, respiratory conditions and so on. 
Zoe says that using the Bowen Technique to balance a person from a structural and emotional perspective gives a holistic approach to healing the body.

When to seek a specialist? 

Message from Zoe: Many people will only look at gut health when they have a problem but really it should be used as a preventative measure to ensure health isn’t detrimentally affected in the first place. Everyone should consider gut health to be a lifestyle change, the programme will help to eliminate unhealthy habits, manage cravings and help you make better and more informed food choices going forward.

Why Zoe Reast? 

Nowadays, it is much easier to talk about the money situation, mental health, or gut health with specialists than it was before. However, having only the right set of qualifications may not be enough. Thanks to Zoe, many of her clients have been able to change their lifestyle for the better. Zoe provides confidential, unique, and professional services as well as exceptional client experience.

Useful links:

Zoe’s Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/optimimhealtheverydaywellness/

Zoe’s website: http://www.everyday-wellness-online.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaywellness_01/?hl=en

Did you enjoy my article?

Are you looking to improve your home / about website page? Get in touch to get a quote!

My email is: petra.jedlickova89@gmail.com


FREE Hertfordshire What's On / Where to Go / What to Do Guide

Photo from Primary Times Website: https://www.primarytimes.co.uk/magazine/about-us

I am a runner – not a professional runner, though. I run from dawn to dusk, Monday to Sunday, January to December – nearly every day it’s the same  – morning school run, work, afternoon school pick-up, home time, dinner time, homework, laundry, writing by night, and that’s why I fell in love with Primary Times for Hertfordshire, my number one guide, which saves me time. With the impeccable content, I can plan our precious family moments efficiently. Are you running daily marathons too? Then you may want to keep reading!!!

Photo by Marisa Howenstine – Unsplash

About a week ago, I was lucky enough to find Primary Times magazine in my daughter’s school bag. I started reading it with delight. On the 27th of March, thousands of people will be wearing hats – one of the articles said. Are you wondering why? It’s for a good cause. Our students and staff will be joining the Wear A Hat Day fundraising event with many others too. The fundraising kit is on the way with a list of tips on how to run successful fundraising events. I work in an English Language School, and this event is a great opportunity to work with students and staff as one team. We are glad to support the most important brain tumour research in the UK. Anyone can join, here is their website: https://www.braintumourresearch.org/about

Or it might be that you are looking to find a perfect venue for a birthday party or, you are interested to learn about the latest educational trends, or you may be seeking the next family fun event to go to. Whatever it is, with Primary Times, you can avoid countless hours of online searching on a Saturday morning or rushing to attend the next event just because your friend messaged you last minute. Instead, you can have your calendar packed with Hertfordshire Primary Times tips far in advance!

My Two Favourite Birthday Places listed in Primary Times

Photo from Cinnamon Square Website: https://cinnamonsquare.com/kids-parties/

Hands-On Baking Parties and Workshops: How about organising a birthday party where children can dip their tiny fingers in dough and create something fun and tasty? All this and much more while you are sipping a cappuccino and enjoying a cake. If this sounds appealing, then Cinnamon Square may be on your list! It’s located in Rickmansworth and here is their website:https://cinnamonsquare.com/kids-parties/

XC Adventurous party: The XC venue in Hemel Hempstead is a paradise for anyone with an adventurous soul. Have you ever thought about throwing a climbing party with food or skatepark parties with food and much more? Then you may like to visit their website: https://www.thexc.co.uk/parties/caving/

More Tips From Primary Times

Are you ready to win a fun break for the family or just for two? Then don’t miss out! Stay Play Explore offers varied selections of breaks, and you can win a break worth £149! What does it take to participate? Just five seconds of your time! Follow their instructions here:https://www.stayplayexplore.co.uk/

Photo by Allen Taylor – Unsplash

The Hertfordshire area has a lot of outdoor places to visit. For example, discover Paradise Wildlife Park, Willow Activity Farm and much more. I can’t wait to receive the next issue and learn about what Hertfordshire activities will be on offer next half-term!

Valuable links to check out:

Primary Times Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/pg/PrimaryTimesMagazine/posts/?ref=page_internal


Family Fitness Tips Hertfordshire #1 Potters Bar Indoor Climbing

Are you planning to start healthier lifestyle as a family?
Indoor Climbing can be a super-duper family fun activity! Furzefield leisure centre in Potters Bar will offer you multiple different climbing walls and it’s suitable from age 4 to 94 and with no prior climbing experience!

We’ve booked our climbing session twice already – spaces are limited so you need to book upfront. For some reason, I was unable to complete my reservation through their website, so I made it over the phone. It went smoothly and they even sent me a copy of my receipt!

  • Child Ticket – Climbing – Cost £10.50
  • Adult Ticket – Climbing – Cost £13.95
  • Adult & Child Ticket – Climbing – Cost £21.00

On the day, we’ve arrived at Furzefield leisure centre approximately 15 minutes prior to our session beginning. The parking space is for free and can be quite full at times. Once we entered the main reception area, I’ve presented my copy of the receipt. They have asked us to enter the premises and pointed us to the climbing area. We walked through a door where was soft play and a small cafe. The young lady asked us to go back through the door again; turn right and sit down in front of a small TV. We were going to watch a short video and await a member of staff to take us to the climbing area.

Potters Bar climbing sessions last 60 minutes. The first 15 minutes you receive safety information – by watching a short safety video outside the climbing area and by watching a member of staff in the climbing area. Shoes that are not permitted include flip flops, sliders, crocks, professional climbing shoes and similar shoes. We went with trainers and it worked fine!

Once we were in the climbing area and familiar with the rules, we started climbing the walls! My daughter is four years old, so I was helping her at the beginning. She was very good climbing up, but struggled to jump off for the first time. After a little encouragement, she did it! The staff is very nice and encourage young kids to explore the area without fear. Indoor climbing does help to improve children’s confidence as they try new walls and master their climbing skills.

You do need to work with your arms when climbing up the walls. The next day, my body was a bit sore. All in all it was worth the experience though. We spent good quality time together, explored something new, did a little workout and definitely have a place to go on a rainy day!

Feel free to check out their video below and if you’re going to go, don’t forget to bring a bottle of water along!

ENJOY YOUR TIME TOGETHER! https://www.furzefieldleisurecentre.co.uk/childrens-activities/

Furzefield Climbing

What would you recommend to check out in Hertfordshire as a family fun activity?

A-stay-at-home goddess – part three

From a good looking chick; to an exhausted mother of a three-year-old. How can she safe her marriage and feel good about herself again?

Jess offered Rebecca to help with Jack. She took him outside to meet the cows. Malcolm knocked on Rebecca’s door and offered to take her around.

“Obviously, Jess talked to him. It would be impolite to say no.” She thought to herself.

So she put on a grey cardigan, a pair of trainers and excitedly ran downstairs to meet Jess to ask for her permission to leave with Malcolm. Rebecca wouldn’t leave; if it was a problem for Jess to keep an eye on Jack for a little longer.

Of course, Jess approved. Rebecca wasn’t impressed with Malcolm’s nosey questions earlier, but he was dating her sister..He deserved a chance to make things up.. If she only knew that Jess didn’t say a word to him.. It was all Malcolm’s idea…

What were his intentions?

Rebecca sat in Malcolm’s dirty jeep, and a second later, they were leaving Malcolm’s dairy farm on the hill.

Neither of them said a word. Malcolm let Rebecca enjoy spectacular views in silence. He let her inhale the fresh air and absorb the beauty of the Peak District without any distributions.

Rebecca didn’t want to talk anyway. She wasn’t interested in sharing another bit of her personal life with him. 

They parked on top of a muddy hill by a little pond. He took a fishing rod from the back of his jeep and a small bucket with a lid. It looked like a container with dog food.

“Come on; I’ll show you something.” 

Malcolm was wearing welly boots, and as they were getting closer to the pond, Rebecca noticed a little sign which read: Malcolm’s Reed property. She didn’t know he owned another piece of land outside his already massive kingdom. She realised that he could’ve told her not to wear leisure footwear. Her fabric brand new trainers were buried deeper and deeper in the mud.

“Oh, sorry. I should’ve warned you.” Malcolm glanced at Rebecca’s feet. 

“Do you think so?” She added sarcastically. 

“Here.” Malcolm offered Rebecca his hand as they were reaching their final destination to have the pond right in front of them.

“I am fine, thanks.”

“This is the spot.” He added. 

It was indeed breathtaking there..They were surrounded by massive hills..just the two of them..not a single soul nearby.

Malcolm opened the “dog food” container and started throwing something mighty but seedy into the pond..Thousands of different little fish were rushing to the edge.. As if each one of them wanted to say hello, but they were battling for their own food. 

“Why did you bring the fishing rod; when you have them all here?” Rebecca asked.

Picture from Unsplash

Malcolm looked into her eyes and smiled. Oh god, she noticed how handsome and how hot he really was. His hair was chestnut colour, and his eyes were green. 

He had such a smooth face; full lips, and looked like a Hollywood star, she thought. All at once; she started to feel uncomfortable with her own thoughts. It was embarrassing for her to think of Malcolm that way. She never thought about another man like that. Eric was the only person she was intimate with, and she was convinced it would stay that way. 

“We are not here fishing.” He replied mysteriously.

Then he unfolded the fishing rod, and Rebecca noticed a massive hook at the end..He clearly wasn’t fishing..But what was he doing?

He turned his back at Rebecca and started walking away from her, counting his steps. 

“Here.” Malcolm stopped, and then he entered the shallow water, made further three steps and let the hook at the end of his fishing rod fall into the water. Rebecca was intrigued by his actions. It was such an unusual moment. What on earth was he after?

He spent a good five minutes looking for something in the pond, throwing the hook into the water and pulling it back..Over and over again.. Rebecca was getting nervous, and her feet were wet and cold..

“There we go”, Malcolm finally picked something up. Something that looked like a casket..

Rebecca’s eyes were wide open, and she was biting her lips. Please don’t tell me it is his dead wife. She thought. 

But Rebecca’s phone started ringing. It was her sister Jess. 

“Becky-boo, how far are you? Please don’t panic, but Jack tripped, and his forehead is now bruised.” Jess announced. Rebecca could hear Jack hysterically crying. She became anxious, picturing her son knocking his head about a stone..A sharp edge of the stone..She imagined him bleeding and in so much pain.  

“Jess, tell me, why is he crying so much? Is it terrible?” 

“No. He just got scared, and of course, he was asking for you.” 

“We are coming back.” Rebecca glanced at Malcolm. He was holding the “thing” and waited for Rebecca to hang up. 

“What happened?” Malcolm asked politely. 

“I’ll tell you in the car.” Rebecca turned around and headed back up the hill. 

In the car; Eric was calling. He was returning Rebecca’s call at the most inconvenient time. Rebecca told him about Jack’s accident right away. She also said to him that she was on a trip with Malcolm. They went to a little pound. 

“What the hell Rebecca? I let you leave for a week to stay on a farm so you could hand over. 

Jack to your sister and enjoy your free time with some random guy?” 

This conversation wasn’t going well..Rebecca didn’t want to defend Malcolm and explain to Eric that he was just polite; because Jess suggested that trip. That was to say in private and not in Malcolm’s presence.

She agreed to call him again when she was with Jack. 

They arrived back at the dairy farm. Jack was already content and playing joyfully with Malcolm’s son Liam. Jessica was watching them from a distance. 

It was a strange afternoon. Rebecca felt guilty for leaving Jack alone; even though she had no reason. She didn’t leave him with a stranger.. It was just an accident. Jack’s first proper accident, actually. Rebecca started calling Eric right away, and she noticed that Malcolm was carrying the weird casket looking-like object to his garage. 

What did he keep inside that he wanted to share with her? She couldn’t remove all her morbid thoughts from her head.

Rebecca was finally able to explain to Eric the whole situation.

He insisted on coming to join her, but for no more than three days.

After that, he wanted all of them to leave back to London. She agreed. It was fair. 

It was almost after dinner time when Eric arrived. Jack was just in his pyjamas downstairs with Liam; playing racing cars. He was such a good company for Jack. 

Rebecca could enjoy a glass of wine with her sister and Malcolm. Eric seemed pleased to see his crew. He lifted Jack as if they hadn’t seen each other for months and kissed Rebecca. Malcolm offered him a beer, but Eric was a wine person, so he poured himself a glass from a bottle sitting on the table. It was so cosy down there. 

Eric sat next to Malcolm, and they were talking about business. Eric wanted to know what it was like to be a farmer in the Peak District. Rebecca could spend more time with her sister. They talked about their parents..

Jack seemed to be tired. Liam suggested to take him upstairs and stay with him for a bit.  

“Oh, that’s so sweet, Liam, but please don’t worry. I’ll go.” Rebecca stood up, but Eric grabbed her hand and said: “Let him go, Rebecca. He will be fine.” 

She was perplexed. Jack didn’t seem to have a problem going upstairs with his new friend either. 

Rebecca opened another bottle of wine that Jess passed to her when Malcolm and Eric left. 

“Do you think they get along, Jess?” 

“Well, Malcolm has a gift. He’ll be able to talk to anyone. No matter if they have something in common or not.” 

“That’s reassuring.” Rebecca laughed. 

“How are you feeling?” Jess landed her hands on Rebecca. 

“You were right. I needed this. I haven’t done anything like this since Jack was born.” She replied. 

As if changing the environment and escaping daily routines offered a new perspective. Was it really that simple, though? No. Rebecca knew that running away from problems wasn’t a solution. She also admitted to herself that her life wasn’t going according to the plan. Most importantly, she didn’t want to feel guilty about being a full-time mother who could not stay on top of the housework. So what? It wasn’t permanent. Why such a big deal?

The wine they were drinking was working wonders. She suddenly figured out what she needed to tell Eric to fix their relationship. She wasn’t happy with his attitude and support.

“Where did they go, anyway?” Rebecca fixed her eyes on Jess. 

“I have no idea. Do you want to go and check?” Jess suggested.

“What about Jack, though?” Rebecca reminded her sister.

“I said, do you want to go and check? Of course, I will stay and check on him.” 

Rebecca slid into her dirty and muddy trainers and walked outside. It was pitch-black out there. She noticed that there was light in Malcolm’s garage. It was about fifty steps away from the cottage, and she decided to walk there. The front door was locked, which was weird. She could hear Malcolm and Eric talking inside. There was no window, so she could peek inside. But the old garage door made of wood offered tiny holes; she tried to find the biggest one to see what they were doing. 

Finally, she found a hole big enough to lean on and see.

They were sitting on old chairs; she could only see their backs. It looked like there was something on the table that they were looking at. They were murmuring. She couldn’t decode a word. Malcolm got up, and then she saw it. It was the casket on the table! “Oh my god! Why was he showing it to Eric?” Maybe they were plotting a “how to get rid of your wife” plan..

“Psst, Becky-boo!” Jess was calling Rebecca from the dark. 

“Jack wants you!”  

“Wait! I am coming.” 

Rebecca was trying to stay a couple of more seconds, but Jess kept announcing that Jack was tearful. She left back inside to put him to sleep. She had so many questions to ask Eric. She was so curious about what Malcolm was hiding in that casket and why it was so important that he wanted to show his guests? It was morbid, indeed.

The next morning, Rebecca found herself in bed with Jack. She had a terrible headache and from what she was wearing was clear that she fell asleep last night when putting him to sleep. Eric was fast asleep too; but he was undressed at least. Rebecca wondered about last night and how much she wanted to know what was in that casket. 

Rebecca lied in bed and was trying to fall asleep, but Jack was ready to start the day. He was demanding breakfast. She put on some clothes, and they went downstairs to make some pancakes. On the table, she found a loaf; a jam jar and a note – please help yourself. It was only 8am. She spotted Malcolm outside when she started spreading butter on Jack’s toast. 

“Good morning, pumpkins.” Eric surprised her. 

He walked downstairs with a warm smile; kissed Rebecca and Jack. He scanned the table and offered to make a coffee. 

“Shall we go for a little family adventure today?” He proposed. 

‘I’ve heard there is a great farm with horses, Jack. Shall we check it out?” 

It was sweet of Eric. Rebecca didn’t expect him to be excited about this trip nor being involved in any family activities. In fact, she imagined him working on his laptop all these three days; catching up on work or watching more YouTube videos. 

“Sounds great, Eric.” Rebecca replied. She was dying to ask him what he and Malcolm were talking about last night. As if there was an inner voice stopping her from asking. She also thought about whether Malcolm was responsible for Eric’s idea to explore the farm with horses. 

What did they talk about last night? 

My Online Journal #2

Anna is typing away in her online journal her recent story from a coffee shop..Little she knew that her life may change from that moment.

Read MY ONLINE JOURNAL #1 first 🙂

You won’t believe what my mum just told me..She wants to become a foster parent!

I know! It’s quite shocking, right? I mean good for her and no doubt that those kids will receive the best possible care, but my mum? I don’t know why but I feel kinda jealous too..Isn’t it weird?

Is this what happens to mums whose kids never have kids? Do these mums start having unbearable urges to fill the empty nest of theirs? Or what is going on? What on earth triggered her to make such a decision?

Anyway. I’ll find out later.

This wrinkled face gentleman who’s started talking to me the other day, let’s get back to him.

I was scrolling down my Instagram feed when he asked me whether I was Melissa Jacob. Who the hell is Melissa Jacob, right? I was asking the same question.

So, apparently, Melissa Jacob is a famous YouTube influencer. So it got me thinking what a 60-year-old man has to do with YouTube and why he is watching young YouTube influencers? Disgusting. I was laughing and asked him to give me a moment to check out this Melissa Jacob myself. I started watching her YouTube channel, and I must say that there was some resemblance..Her hair and perhaps her nose..We had both sharp, ugly nose for sure..She was talking about cryptocurrencies..something I know it’s pretty trendy..but apart from bitcoin, I had no clue what she was on about..I felt less weird about this guy because actually, it’s pretty cool for a 60-year-old man to keep up with the trends. Isn’t it?

But hang on a minute… What the heck?

She is at least 5 years older than me; I checked her date of birth on google, and it turned out she was 7 years older than me! That wrinkled face man totally insulted me. I am such a young soul compared to this elderly lady. Pardon me; of course, she isn’t elderly, but hey! I am only 35.

Obviously, this wasn’t the worst crime in the world this wrinkled face man did that day. When I revealed the truth about not being Melissa Jacob, he insulted me the second time..He told me that he thought so anyway because Melissa Jacob didn’t seem to have a speech problem.

I questioned the meaning of this insult. He replied that she would certainly not be screening her phone every 5 seconds when being involved in a conversation with an elderly polite stranger.

Who the heck was this guy to make me feel guilty about enjoying my Thursday hot chocolate pleasures. Right?

Photo from Unsplash – Yusuf Fikry

Obviously, not a single thought in this spirit would ever escape from my mouth but still..Who the hell was he to judge me..??

I had no idea what to say to this. I started looking at the screen again. Typical..I mean, what else could I do?

I was kind of nervous and the second after accidentally spilt my hot chocolate on my black trousers. Of course, the wrinkled face man spotted it and couldn’t resist asking another question:

“Do you believe in the law of attraction?”

In the law of what? Is this man for real? I had no idea what he was on, but I didn’t want to start deep conversations about any law, because bitcoins and law were the same topics for me…

The ”HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT” topics..

This wrinkled face man didn’t even let me take another breath so I could fight back..He started talking about positive affirmations..He was talking about positive attitude and self-love. He spent blabbing for about five minutes about the law of attraction..

“So what about you, are you happy in your life?”

Oh wow. This wrinkled face man took it way too far; right?

Oh wow. This wrinkled face man took it way too far; right?

I mean my mum is often afraid to ask me this question. I was so close to replying;

“Mind your own business fella…”

But I would never do that…

Then he slid his business card my way and said: “If you ever need to talk; please call me.”

Oh man, I stood up, thanked him and left. And yes, I took the business card and put it in my pocket. I am so wrong with this stuff, you know. If someone is trying to give me something on the street or anything; I always take it..I know it’s a horrible habit because it usually ends up in the bin…

I was humiliated. The wrinkled face man actually felt sorry for me..He knew me for 5 minutes and he felt sorry for me…I don’t know what to think..It wasn’t even insulting..I actually felt sorry for myself too…I felt sorry that some stranger felt sorry for me..I know it makes no sense..

So I glanced at the business card. He called himself a Spiritual Coach..That surely couldn’t be a thing, right? Well, hold tight, because I wasn’t quite right..

His business cards were dark blue decorated with shiny golden stars. There was a little comet flying through space and a couple of red planets in each corner of the card..It looked like it was designed by a child..There was his website address too.

When I arrived at home, I checked out his website on my phone…just out of curiosity..Not that I thought he could help me or anything..But a couple of his articles grabbed my attention actually – especially the one which read: “ The importance of self-love.”

He was writing engaging and intriguing articles and he delivered a TED talk on the importance of self-love. You could watch a bit from it too. Intriguing. I kept watching with my mouth wide open..

He talked about the law of attraction and how positive thinking could make a massive difference in everyone’s lives…

I must admit that although he utterly pissed me off in the cafe place, he scored in my eyes a little bit for his beliefs..It was inspirational..

On his “about page”; you could read his life story, which was pretty amusing too…He used to run a business until his wife left him with his two children for good. Only a few months ago he realised that he was the one who abandoned his family years ago.. He didn’t balance work and family commitments well. He wasn’t present for years and missed important milestones in his son’s life. He missed important milestones in his daughter’s life, and his wife felt more like a roommate next to him rather than a love of his life.

Thankfully, he had a great relationship with his wife after the breakup. When kids are old enough, they can tell which one of the parents is trying harder. I started listening to a podcast interview, where he participated with his family.

One of his children said:

“I’d prefer to live in a paper box rather than in such an expensive house we used to have..as long as we could be all together like one family. As long as the paper box would be filled with family love.”

And his wife gave one pretty cool tip to busy business owners:

“When you love someone; make them aware..Or there will be a day when they no longer tolerate your ignorance and leave.”

Pretty emotional story and quite impressive how much of private life he decided to share on social media..My private life is pretty boring. I have no story to tell..No boyfriend..not owning a place.. I am someone’s shadow at work..

I don’t even know how I could make my life less miserable, you know?..If they gave me a magic wand..what would be my wish? I have no idea. If I won a lottery; how would I spend the money? No idea!

Oh, that’s freaking me out..am I a total loser? Did my mum actually give up on me, so that’s why she wants to be fostering? Maybe one of those kids could become really close, and she could enjoy being a grandmother – if her only child didn’t make it happen for her..

Omg..should I call this wrinkled face man? Should I try to understand the law of attraction?


How are you enjoying it so far?


My online Journal #1

Something strange happens to Anna and none of her friends are free for a chat..So she decides to start her own online journal..

I left home at the age of 24; feeling excited, immortal and unstoppable. Please don’t laugh, but for an average small-town girl, flying thousands of miles away from home on her own, and for the first time – it was a pretty thrilling experience..

When I watched the landscapes of my motherland from the bird’s point of view; it got me thinking: 

“What the hell am I doing? Do I even want to go to London?” 

Well. It was too late anyway. I was sitting on a plane…And I couldn’t get rid of the picture of my crying mum at the airport. 

Oh, mums..They dramatize it too much sometimes, don’t they?
Don’t get me wrong.. I love my parents – unconditionally. My mum and dad have always been there for me. I am so grateful to grow up in a house full of love. And I return my love too…


I grew up. I wanted to live my own life..

Photo from Unsplash – Becca Tapert

Over the years; my mum made me feel guilty for moving so far away. She won’t stop asking when I am moving back home..She won’t stop asking why I don’t want to move back home..” Are you happy, Anna?” She asks me every time I call her..But you must know that I lead a decent life. I have everything that I need. Well, almost. Or maybe not at all.

I am single and in love with books. I share an apartment with other two girls – younger than me. I don’t care. Well, maybe I do, but they keep my spirit young at least.. Most of my friends are married and have kids. I love kids..And I love babies too..cuddling them..smelling their feet..admiring their tiny hands..

But I like when it’s time for them to go back to their parents..I guess it’s because I never pictured myself being a single mother..Not that I ever wanted to be one, but there is something wrong with the male population lately. Did you notice it too?

The divorced guys want to have cool and child-free girlfriends with hot pictures on Instagram. The single ones don’t want to have kids.

I live in Jane’s shadow…

My job is fine, but I wish they could give me more responsibilities. I am tired of being someone’s assistant at the age of 35. I work for an advertising company; helping with social media content creation..It pays my bills, but all my hard work is credited to Jane..My line manager..I live in Jane’s shadow.

So what does this all mean for me? Never getting married..Never having kids..Never having a proper job..I guess..

Every Saturday, I sit in a leather chair by the window in my local library and skim through romance stories. I escape into my own world and since I don’t have a boyfriend; I date the ones from the books – don’t judge me; it could be lame for you, but not for me.

I have a good social life..Once a week I meet with Liz for a coffee. We work in the same department. She is a graphic designer…And every Saturday evening I have dinner plans with friends..including single girlfriends not only with mum friends who invite me to their homes and we wait for their kids to fall asleep to have a glass of red..And I am pretty active on social media if that counts for being social! Not having hot Instagram pictures, but I love baking..

Pretty dull life story, huh?

Picture from Unsplash – Charles Deluvio

But something weird happened the other day, and I have no one to tell!

My “mum friends” are busy..My “single girlfriends” are probably dating, the two girls I live with went travelling. And I am not calling my mum!

So here I am starting my online journal!

But back to my story..

I was getting hot chocolate like every Thursday after work..I don’t usually eat in, but I did that day for a change..There was a gentleman..I think he was about the age of 60 – grey hair; wrinkled face; wrinkled hands; smart shoes; white-collar top and blue trousers from H&M – I saw those trousers on display the other day. He was sitting there with his laptop; eating a blueberry muffin and typing away..

Nothing weird right until..

He started talking to me. I answered a couple of times because I was polite, and his voice was so soft and calming..no harm..But then he told me the strangest thing..

Oh, hang on..my phone is ringing.. It’s my mum..

Will be right back!


A-stay-at-home-goddess- part two

From a good looking chick; to an exhaustive mother of a three-year-old. How can she safe her marriage and feel good about herself again?

Reading time: 6 minutes, 48 seconds

Rebecca was nervously holding her pink woollen sweater..Her throat was sore, and her hands were sweating as she was announcing to Eric that they were leaving with Jack for a week. 

“What?” Eric managed to reply. 

Rebecca’s heart started pounding..and she had a tremendous urge to cry.…Why? 

She didn’t seek Eric’s approval, but his wrong word choices often left deep scars underneath her skin..

She didn’t need another marriage battle. Every time she tried to relax and Jack became needy, Eric made Rebecca feel bad for sitting around and doing nothing…he made her feel like a mother that was not paying attention to her son..And then she firmly suffered from a mother’s guilt. 

 “Why are you going, Rebecca?” Eric shook his head.

Jess’s eyes were fixed on both. She deliberately observed their conversation. What happened to these two? She wondered. They were such a sweet couple. Perhaps not soulmates or a perfect match; but they choose to be together for a reason once. They fell in love..They made their beautiful vows to each other and a year later welcomed a new addition to their life..Their beautiful son Jack..If Jess was ever admiring anyone in her life, it was her sister…For her enthusiasm; kindness and love..

As if Rebecca wrapped herself in fear, though..As if she became her own prisoner..Was she overreacting or was Eric such a beast after all?

Well, last night, when Rebecca talked, there were thousands of reasons to leave Eric for a week..thousands of reasons to cry over a bad marriage..and thousands of reasons to believe Eric was insensitive and cruel…

“Look, Eric, I really need Rebecca. I have some personal problems, and having her around with Jack would really help me. You can understand that, right?” 

Eric looked perplexed..

Jess sounded so genuine and convincing..What a gift to have a sister like her, Rebecca thought. Jess was puzzled, though. What happened to her sister? She used to manage a team of jealous and toxic chicks.. And never took a no for an answer..She used to be a warrior, but now all traces of her confidence vanished.

“Fine. But please let me take you there at least.” He added briskly. 

“That’s not a bad idea.” Jess smiled politely. 

Jack was walking up and down the hallway wearing his dinosaur travel bag; which he stuffed with farm animals. He was utterly excited about the trip. 

In less than four and a half hours, they arrived at the beautiful scenery of the Peak District National Park ..It was a different world from the concrete jungle they lived in..Even Eric looked amused..Jack was fast asleep in his car seat. Jess was sitting at the back next to him, and Rebecca was glued to the window, absorbing the energy that the open green space offered, and that was bringing so much joy to her heart already..

Welcome to the dreamland, she murmured to herself.


Just off the narrow road, they were driving on, Rebecca spotted a cute white cottage surrounded by massive hills..Right next to the cottage was a meadow full of sheep and a chunky tree with something hanging that looked like a home-made swing..

The sky was grey, but Jess reassured Rebecca that it was not going to rain..They were planning to unpack; meet Malcolm and explore the local corners of the Peak District National Park by foot – only as far as Jack would walk..

Eric was slowly approaching the property of Malcolm’s Dairy Farm On The Hill. It was a perfect spot for writers to create the most romantic stories..it was a beautiful place where you were milking cows and stroking sheep all day long..not everybody’s dream but mesmerizing.

“Are you going to be riding horses, Jack?” Eric gazed at him, but he was still fast asleep. 

“Malcolm doesn’t have horses.” Jess giggled.

Rebecca, Jess and Eric stepped out of the car. Jess started ringing Malcolm. Eric stretched his legs and arms and headed to the sheep land.

Rebecca stayed near the car. She was admiring the massive hills which were evoking respect in her. One of the green hills was surrounded by something that appeared to be a dark line, and she wondered if it was a public pathway. From her view, it looked like a beautifully painted drawing of an artist. 

Outside the white cottage was an old wooden bench. She imagined a happily married elderly couple sitting there every day after lunch and telling local tales to their grandchildren..For the month of May, it was quite chilly, but the green hills were partly covered in bushes which were singing burgundy colours. 

“And you haven’t seen the other side of the cottage.” A male voice pierced Rebecca’s ears. 

“You must be Malcolm.” Rebecca offered her hand and scanned him from top to toe quickly. He was wearing blue jeans and a tight black shirt with long sleeves. He was missing a hat to look like a proper farmer from a magazine. Jess was right. He was incredibly charming and sexy. 

“So what’s on the other side?” Rebecca smiled. His presence made her feel nervous. 

Before Malcolm could say a word, Eric appeared by Rebecca’s side and placed his hand around her arms. 

“Hi, I am Eric, Rebecca’s husband.” 

It was cute from Eric that he wanted to mark his territory. Jack was slowly waking up as the car was not moving for a while. He opened his bright blue eyes and started patting on the window. Rebecca took him outside and gave him a big squeeze. She felt thrilled that they left London. Malcolm offered Eric to stay or come back whenever. It was getting dark, so he decided to head back to the city. Jess and Malcolm led Rebecca and Jack to their new “home away from home.”

Malcolm prepared a room on the upper floor with a view at the mountains so Rebecca could finally see what he was hiding behind the cottage. It was a cow land (as Eric would claim) and a little pond which was perhaps right outside the back door.

Jack already unpacked his animals, and they started settling in. Jess made spaghetti bolognese for dinner and promised a fantastic week. It was dark outside. Malcolm introduced someone to Rebecca and Jack in the evening that Jess didn’t mention before. It was his eight years old son Liam. 

Why didn’t she mention liam? Rebecca wondered.

Later that evening, Rebecca learnt that Liam’s mum passed away, and it was only Malcolm and him on the farm. Liam was going to a local school and every day was meeting his friends in a little village nearby. Malcolm was doing everything on his own. He was a farmer; father, and a loving boyfriend. He was indeed an inspirational man with a golden heart and pockets full of kind words. Rebecca wondered what was wrong with this man. No man was perfect!

The next day, Jack was up much earlier than usual. Rebecca was already up thinking about her life. She was digging in her memories the early days she met Eric. It was like watching a movie from far away. She remembered Jack when he was born..She remembered Eric when they brought him home. Eric changed. As if he had no understanding of the new look of his tired wife, who became a mother overnight. He offered no help. He didn’t ask about her feelings. Why? 

But Jack was getting hungry. Rebecca walked downstairs to the kitchen; holding Jack in her hands. Malcolm was already up and making pancakes. She started to wonder whether this man was an alien? He had two adult women in the house and was making pancakes? What a dream to every single woman! But seriously..What was wrong with him? Why was he such a gentleman? And she now understood where Jess learnt her new cooking skills…

They ate and walked outside, each holding their black coffee – with the look of the most important decision-makers on the planet earth. Liam offered help and took Jack to see the sheep. Rebecca was nervous. Jess reassured her that everything was fine and she went to join them. Rebecca was left with Malcolm alone. He was particularly interested in Rebecca’s personal life. He was asking questions she didn’t appreciate – about Eric. 

When Malcolm stepped away for a moment; Rebecca walked to get Jess. She pulled her away from the kids and asked:

“What did you tell Malcolm, Jess? Why is he spying on my personal life? And why didn’t you tell me about Liam? What the hell is going on?” She was enraged.

“Ok. Let’s sit down so I can tell you.” 

The two of them sat down. Rebecca was still watching Jack and Liam. They went by the swing. Malcolm used to be a different man. Before his wife died, he was a workaholic. He spent days and nights working on the farm and drinking in his free time. He wasn’t a very respectful man. Ever since his wife passed away, he promised himself that he would change. No woman would need to feel disrespected again. He qualified as a marriage counsellor and in his little free time, started helping all villagers who were going through a marriage crisis. 

“What?” Did you take me here for that reason? What the hell Jess? I didn’t ask you to sign me up for marriage counselling.”

“You were not listening to a single word when I came to meet you. This is a neutral ground here. You can talk about it with someone who can actually help you.”

“How dare you, Jess. I wanted my sister. I wanted to talk to my best friend. Not some stranger who was treating her wife like shit.”

Rebecca walked away to get Jack and disappeared in the cottage. She walked upstairs and started packing. Eric wasn’t answering his phone. 

Jess knocked on the door of her room.

“Becky-boo. Please stay. I am sorry. I want to help you..”

“Fine. But tell Malcolm to leave me alone. All I want is to hug trees and go for a walk. I am not going to spend my time here telling the story of my life to some stranger.” 

“Deal.” Jessica hugged her. 

Why did Rebecca change her mind? Did she realise that her marriage was at risk?


Where do you think this will lead?

PS: If you missed part one; here it comes -> A-stay-at-home-goddess – PART ONE

Thank you for stopping by and reading my stories! It makes me feel soo happy!

How To Spend Less Time Cooking To Be More Time With Your Family?

Fabulous read is on fire! Our next Hertfordshire Community guest is Maria Calzada Oliva – originally from Spain, currently living in Welwyn Garden City; Hertfordshire. Maria is an inspiring woman and a mother of three children, juggling household and running her own business as an independent Thermomix adviser.

Healthy food. Less time cooking. More time spent with family.

What is Thermomix?

Thermomix is a smart-looking ingenious must-have kitchen appliance which saves you time with meals planning, writing shopping lists and cooking! Have you heard about Cookido? It is an international platform full of healthy recipes you can schedule for your weekly planner! Once you purchase and welcome Thermomix at your home, this platform is available to you for FREE for six months, and then there is a fee of £30 for a yearly subscription.

It’s an amount fair to ask as you’ll have access to over 50,000 healthy recipes and you can look forward to regular monthly additions. This intelligent kitchen helper generates your shopping list according to your scheduled weekly planners -> more time with your family and less time in the kitchen! All you need to do is shopping and eat your fancy meal!

Healthy dinners and effortless cooking with Thermomix. 

Thermomix reminds me a bit of a medium-size magic box which you fill with all sorts of healthy ingredients, follow simple instructions on the appliance’s screen and wait for your fresh and hearty meal to be ready. With Thermomix, you can focus on other day-to-day tasks without being worried that your meal may get burnt!

Still not convinced to purchase Thermomix?

Welwyn Garden City residents are lucky to have Maria in town, and that is when her exciting journey as an independent Thermomix adviser begins. Maria demonstrates in your own kitchen what magic can be done and gives you a chance to run the show! Before she meets you, you receive an attractive menu with a list of ingredients to purchase. Once you schedule a day and time in your diary to meet Maria, your Thermomix journey can begin too. This experience is perfect to organise for a group of friends or just for you. Why not browse Cookido recipes for free for 30 days? Get the idea of what your next dinner may look like!

Thermomix demonstrations are also available online! Maria will invite you virtually to her own kitchen to introduce her Thermomix and will answer any questions you may have!

Example of a menu to cook with Maria:

Picture provided by Maria

Example of a Cookido recipe from http://www.thermomix.com

Photo from http://www.thermomix.com

Maria is sharing regularly on her Facebook group her Thermomix culinary art

What others say about Maria?

Please contact Maria for more information: https://www.facebook.com/thermomixmealsbymaria/

Watch a youtube video about Thermomix here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DlgvuhA5kI

Adore Nature; a business mission that makes a difference

Adore Nature.undefined It is a unique brand which strives to make a difference to our health and environment.

Today, Fabulous Read is going to talk about Kathy Hugill – a founder of Adore Nature, a firm believer in the benefits of natural products, and an incredible entrepreneur who strives to make a difference to our health and environment.

Kathy was interested in using non-plastic items herself. Soon enough, she realised that it wasn’t so easy to find everything in one place; thus, the idea of launching Adore Nature was born! With Adore Nature, you can purchase non-plastic everyday items, chemicals-free accessories for your household and even eco-friendly toys for your beloved fluffy friends! Everything is easy to review on one platform! Or If you would like to have a feel of their products – their shop is located in Stotfold, Hitchin! 

In their Stotfold’s shop, you can also meet Kathy! She is a true ambassador of Adore Nature. She will happily offer you advice on reducing waste or will share tips on how you can shop wisely to avoid low-quality products and excessive packaging.

Photo by Unsplash

Adore Nature; cruelty-free, sustainable, eco-friendly and high-quality products which are available in Stotfold store or delivered right to your doorstep!

Adore Nature works with trustworthy and certified manufacturers that are eligible to distribute their products in the UK and EU. Adore Nature prides to work with small to medium businesses and only offers products which are tested by Kathy before display.  

Hang on; this doesn’t end here, though! They are on a mission. Keep reading to find out more!

But First..

What can you purchase from Adore Nature?

Anything for:

  • Hair and Beauty
  • Skincare
  • Bathroom
  • Home
  • On the go
  • Pets
  • Gifts & Goodies
  • Food

Let’s list a couple of products!

Kitenest- Clove & Lime Lip Balm 12ml

Description By Adore Nature:

A completely natural clove & lime lip balm to care for and protect your lips. The nourishing Shea butter and coconut oil moisturise dry and cracked lips back to health whilst the addition of beeswax creates a protective layer to lock in moisture.

All their Lip Balms are lightly fragranced with essential oils and preserved using natural vitamin E.

Head In The Woods-Reusable Baby Wipes (10 Pack )

Description By Adore Nature: 

  • Head In The Woods Baby Wipes are great to cut back on unnecessary waste within the household, hundreds of tonnes of baby wipes each day get stuck and block our sewage systems or those that escape the filter systems go into our oceans which has a knock on effect to our marine life.
  • These super soft wipes are easy to use, kind to baby’s bum, reusable and also great as facial wipes. 
  • Simply add some water and use as usual. Store them wet in a box, or just run under the tap as and when needed, Put 50/50 water and oil in a small spray bottle, shake well and spray on the skin before wiping. It cleans up the baby’s bum even easier, and leaves the skin soft and moisturised.

Eco Living-6 Smoothie Silicone Straws & Plant-Based Cleaning Brush Trade

  • Eliminate Millions of Plastic Straws used every day with these Genuine Premium Food-Grade Reusable Silicone Straws! No Plastic Fillers!
  • Do you want to reduce your plastic-pollution? This set is not only designed to reduce single-use plastic but to also reduce micro-plastics from entering our oceans.
  • Available in a 6 pack of wide SMOOTHIE straws or STANDARD width straws. 
  • 24.5cm STANDARD STRAWS have a 5mm inside diameter and are a suitable everyday straw. 
  • 25cm SMOOTHIE STRAWS have a 9mm inside diameter and are perfect for smoothies 
  • These 100% Pure Silicone Straws are tested non-toxic and contain no plastic-fillers!
  • What’s great about Silicone Reusable Straws?
  • Never be without a straw. They are so easy to fold up and take out with you. I keep one folded up in my purse so I am never without. Soft on your teeth, no risks of a chipped tooth! Easy to clean and dishwasher safe. Long-lasting and durable. Easy to manoeuvre, to get the perfect drinking position. Long enough for tall drinks and can be cut to a shorter size if you prefer. 

Key Features and Major Advantages  

  • 6 Reusable Food-Grade Silicone Staws – Never Throw a straw away again!
  • BIODEGRADABLE plant bristle cleaning brush (NO PLASTIC!) The bristles on the cleaning brush are plastic-free and made of plants.
  • GOTS certified organic cotton carry pouch with a secure drawstring closure. Made of natural thick organic cotton canvas. GOTS certified and with fair wages.
  • The travel pouch is also handy for carrying travel cutlery or other zero waste essentials
  • 100% Pure Food-Grade FDA/LFGB certified Silicone. No plastic-fillers! Non-Toxic
  • Comes in recycled card PLASTIC-FREE packaging!
  • Designed by a UK company committed to eliminating micro-plastics 
  • 100% VEGAN 
  • Lifetime Guarantee
Photo by Unsplash

Great people have great ideas. Adore Nature is busy planning their future and Fabulous Read was lucky to find out more!

Their new mission is to incorporate these plans below within Adore Nature brand:

  • Supply of gravity bins and containers to reduce waste with dry food
  • Vegan food supply
  • Dairy products; plastic free wrapping
  • UK made mainly

For many consumers, it’s crucial to feel good about their purchase. Not only for the quality of the products, but also for the impact they can make on the environment, their health and much more. Rest assured, this is what Adore Nature can offer!

For more details please visit their website here: Adore Nature

Follow Adore Nature on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adore.nature

or like their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/adore.naturecyprus/